EHS System.
Safety Training.
Professional Development.
HR Compliance.

A comprehensive, scalable solution for development-minded professionals at companies of all types and sizes. Make the workplace safer and smarter with HSI's safety and workforce solutions.

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EHS System.Safety Training.Professional Development.HR Compliance.

Tailored to the specific needs of your business

No two businesses are the same, so why should workplace safety and compliance solutions be the same? HSI provides dozens of solutions and features that can be customized to meet your unique needs. In addition to workplace safety and employee development training, we offer cloud-based software tools, including EHS management, ESG management, SDS management, learning management, and more, that enable businesses to improve safety, compliance, and the development of their employees.

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Tailored to the specific needs of your business

It is easily accessible for all employees in the business and regardless of their relationship. It is also environmentally friendly as previously hard copies had to be sent to an archive run by McDonald’s for a minimum of 7 years. Now, this system stores it on the cloud and automatically deletes files about WHS and incidents that occur.

We manage more than 50 business’ safety needs using this system and it certainly makes it easy for us to keep an eye on our customers and react to their needs.

Environmental Health & Safety Platform

Cloud-based, user-friendly, and scalable, HSI’s EHS platform helps you move your environmental safety and health program online by replicating your existing processes for inspections, audits, checklists, incident reports, hazard recognition, and more.

If your business has unique internal processes or specific workplace compliance needs, we can help you automate, track, and report those in one place.

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Environmental Health & Safety Platform

Safety Training. Always On. Always Updated.

HSI safety and compliance online training paired with our easy-to-use learning management system (LMS) helps safety professionals meet regulatory compliance needs and keep the workplace safer.

800+ courses on topics such as: Hazard Communication, Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP), Heat Stress, PPE Fundamentals, Slips, Trips, and Falls, Fire Extinguisher Safety, Back Safety and Injury Prevention, Lockout Tagout, OSHA 10/30 & MSHA Training, and more.

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Safety Training. Always On. Always Updated.

Professional Skills Development

Hundreds of off-the-shelf training courses to develop employees and managers, including industry-specific content for banking, direct store delivery, hospitality, career planning, and financial literacy.

Microlearning courses deliver bite-sized content that learners can consume all at once and then immediately apply the new knowledge. HSI offers thousands of courses under 10 minutes in length, helping companies meet their most pressing needs in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI), mental health, culture development, soft skills, leadership, resilience, and communication, and more!

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Professional Skills Development






Course Completed/Year


Daily Active Users

Risk Reduction & Mitigation

Risk Reduction & Mitigation

Access to real-time data streams increases response time and supports incident prevention. Assign corrective actions locally and globally to eliminate hazards the moment they are identified and reduce overall risk. Built-in analytics for near misses, accidents, and hazards support targeted prevention efforts and characterize operational risk.

Centralize Mission-Critical Data

Centralize Mission-Critical Data

Orchestrate the flow of safety, compliance, and risk management reporting across your organization with one system. Data from your frontline workforce streams in real time to your custom dashboard for insight, command, and compliance.

Eliminate Regulatory Challenges

Eliminate Regulatory Challenges

Create custom forms and workflows to automate time-consuming manual processes against any health and safety task or obstacle. If you can think of a safety management problem, we can build a solution, from delivering training to reporting on injuries and illnesses to uploading documents on command, and so much more.

Improve Safety Culture

Improve Safety Culture

Workforce engagement with health and safety is key in any high-performing organizations. Put safety in the hands of your workforce by mobilizing audits, inspections, hazard identification, and more. EHS software also helps provide targeted safety training at every level, with content for all learning styles and training scenarios.

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